Past Events

Lynn Heatley from Love Riverside (September 2023)

What would happen if our entire community came together to Love Riverside? 

Come listen to Lynn Heatley with Love Riverside, explain what Love Riverside does to help in the Riverside area. They inspire generosity that brings love in action to Riverside.  October 8th is Serve Day, please join us in learning how we can make a difference in our community!

Wednesday September 27, 2022

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (181 Blaine Street, Riverside CA. 92507)

From 7:00pm to 8:00pm

Light refreshments will be served.

On Hiatus From June through August 2023

Serve and Hope will resume meetings starting in September! See you all again soon!

Voices for Children (May 2023)

Join us this month in welcoming our May speaker, Kathi Shaner who will be introducing us to Voices for Children. Voices for Children is a private, nonprofit organization that recruits, trains, and supports Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteers who speak up for the needs and well-being of children in foster care. Their goal is to transform the lives of abused, abandoned, or neglected children by providing them with trained, volunteer Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASAs). Giving voices to those who need them the most. 

Wednesday May 24, 2023

Immanuel Lutheran Church (5455 Alessandro Blvd, Riverside CA 92506)

From 7:00pm to 8:00pm

Light refreshments will be served.

Family Promise (April 2023)

April's speaker is Claire Jefferson-Glipa from Family Promise! Family Promise offers innovative soluitions for family homelessness including prevention, shelter, and stabilization services. They hope to help create a nation in which every family has a home, a livelihood, and the chance to build a better future.

Wednesday April 26, 2023

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (181 Blaine Street, Riverside CA. 92507)

From 7:00pm to 8:00pm

Light refreshments will be served. 

On Hiatus For February and March 2023

Serve and Hope will resume meetings starting in April! See you all again soon!

Rebirth Homes (January 2023)

January's speaker will be an associate from Rebirth Homes. Rebirth Homes is an organization that exists to provide homes for survivors of human trafficking. They work to combat human trafficking through education/awareness and by providing a residential, holistic healing program for survivors of human trafficking.

Wednesday January 25, 2023

Immanuel Lutheran Church (5455 Alessandro Blvd, Riverside CA 92506)

From 7:00pm to 8:00pm

Light refreshments will be served.

Savannah Blair from Care Portal (October 2022)

Connecting you to the child in need. Join us this month as we welcome our October speaker Savannah Blair from Care Portal. We will learn how Care Portal creates connections within the Circles of Care around an isolated child. Bringing together their family, church, and community to create a holistic, healthy approach when caring for kids. Because Every Child Matters.

Wednesday October 26, 2022

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (181 Blaine Street, Riverside CA. 92507)

From 7:00pm to 8:00pm

Light refreshments will be served.

Cassandra Jones from Deana Foundation (September 2022)

Cassandra Jones of the Deana Foundation is our September speaker! She will explain how The Deana Foundation helps provide financial relief for care-giving to middle class families affected by dementia.

Wednesday September 28, 2022

Immanuel Lutheran Church (5455 Alessandro Blvd, Riverside CA 92506)

From 7:00pm to 8:00pm

Light snacks and refreshments will be served. 

Lynn Heatley from Love Riverside (August 2022)

What would happen if our entire community came together to Love Riverside? 

Come listen to Lynn Heatley with Love Riverside, explain what Love Riverside does to help in the Riverside area. They inspire generosity that brings love in action to Riverside.  October 8th is Serve Day, please join us in learning how we can make a difference in our community!

Wednesday August 24, 2022

Trinity Lutheran Church (5969 Brockton Avenue, Riverside CA 92506) 

From 7:00pm to 8:00pm

Teresa Hsu-Contreras with Glocally Connected (July 2022)

Glocally Connected is a nonprofit organization that promotes community building in order to support refugee populations. Please join us to learn what Glocally Connected does and how we can help!

Wednesday July 27, 2022

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (181 W. Blaine St., Riverside CA 92507)

From 7:00pm to 8:00pm

Light refreshments will be served. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Erin Whitt from Olive Crest (June 2022)

Join us at our first meeting as we hear from guest speaker Erin Whitt! Refreshments will be served.

Wednesday June 22, 2022 

Immanuel Lutheran Church (5455 Alessandro Blvd, Riverside CA 92506)

From 6:30pm to 8:00pm